
Showing posts from October, 2020

Did Jesus tell the rich young ruler that he had to earn his way to heaven?

Greetings!  On Sunday October 11th we addressed the famous story about Jesus and the Rich young ruler in Mark 10. You can listen to this portion of the sermon at and start at about 23:00  or read it for yourself at  if you need a quick refresher. I received a very good question from one of Rocklane's members that I thought I would share along with my response: The Question:  I'm currently reading Matthew and last week happened to read chapter 19 which includes the rich man.  I was a little confused on the rich young man and every time I read it I'm confused... It seems like giving away your money would be earning your way to heaven versus heaven being a free gift.  The young man walks away probably not ever going to heaven but doesn't seem like he was told about the rest of the gospel.  I just ...