"Have confidence in you leaders"

This morning I want to share with you a scripture that I think is key to a church’s life always – but particularly during such a time as this. In the New Testament whenever Paul and Barnabas planted a church, they would select a group of elders to lead that church after they left. These were humble men who loved the Lord and the Church. Men who were committed to God’s agenda and not their own. The word for elder is also a word for “shepherd”. The elder is to be our shepherd – protecting us and guiding us in our spiritual lives. The elder is the Bibles way, is God’s way of keeping Jesus the Head of the church even though He is physically in Heaven. This does not mean that elders are perfect and always right! But it is the way God set up His church. So, when you and I commit to a specific congregation we saying that we trust our elder’s leadership. We are willing to become a part of their flock.  

With this in mind I want to share an important passage of scripture that helps me understand the churches role with regard to elders. It is many church’s neglect of these teachings that we are about to examine that leads to their demise.


We are looking at Hebrews 13:17-18 (NIV). The very first phrase reads like this, “Have confidence in your leaders” Here the writer is not talking about all leaders but rather the elders in your church. Have confidence in them – trust them. Are they men of good standing? Do they love the Lord? Are they students of the Word? Is it their desire to honor God and lead you to grow in your relationship with God? If so, have confidence in them!


“and submit to their authority,” Here we are commanded to submit to our elders. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t raise concerns – on the contrary it is important to share those things. It also doesn’t mean that elders always do the right thing or that they don’t make mistakes. What it means is that if you have seen fit to become a part of the flock that Jesus has put these elders over – you have decided to trust them than follow them. Elders make decisions that sometimes don’t make sense to you or you don’t like. But remember, if they are Biblical elders, the decisions they make are made in prayer, with study of the Word, with your best spiritual interests in mind and, most importantly, with God’s glory in mind. If you don’t trust your elders enough to submit to them than you ought to find elders you trust. 


“because they keep watch over you (some translations say “your souls”) as those who must give an account.”

This verse tells us to do these things because they are keeping watch over our souls. They’re not getting paid, they’re not getting anything out of this, they have full time jobs and live of their own. They are serving because they love Jesus, they love His church and they love you. Many elders are reluctant to even take the authority because they don’t feel worthy. Also, remember, elders don’t answer to you. They answer to God. Their task is not to make you happy but to draw you closer to God and equip you for doing ministry. No pressure!


“Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”

The elder’s task is difficult for many reasons. It’s easy when you are not part of it to make judgements (I know because I cast judgements myself!) It is easy for these servants to get weary and want to quit. Find ways to make being your shepherd a joy to them because they have enough to struggle with. If you make yourself a burden to your elders, in the long run, that hurts you and the church at large. Again, this doesn’t mean don’t share your concerns, it does mean to always give the elders the benefit of the doubt. Respect them, that they are in a position laid down by God and try to help them. 


“Pray for us.” Pray for your elders! They need it! Pray for a growing faith, for clarity and wisdom, for protection against temptation and burn out. Here is a list of our elders so that you can keep them in your prayers.









“We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.”

This is the commitment from the elders to lead with a proper motive and to live lives that honor God to the best of their ability. 


Rocklane is blessed with wonderful men who are seeking God’s glory and will and we need to lift them up and find ways to make their service to our congregation a joy!  


I love you church! 


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