Sunday Morning Pit Stop
Greetings church! I hope that you all were able to have a meaningful thanksgiving in this crazy year! This morning I am thinking about Nascar – specifically about “pit stops”. I read this morning that pit stops are crucial to success in a race. Any given car is going to go at high speeds for 100’s of miles for long periods of time. This means that they will need new tires, their 18-gallon tank will need to be filled up, and there will likely be something things that break and need repaired along the way. As a result, a car will make 4-12 pit stops in a race given how long it is. When they do make a pit stop there is a crew waiting with tires, gas, air guns and whatever else they’ll need to get that car ready to get back into the race! The pit stop is not the main thing a race car does. But the pit stop is essential to that main thing a race car does, which is race. These are strange times indeed. COVID 19! What in the world is God doing through all of this? This past Sunday...